Ouvert du 5 avril 2024 au 4 novembre 2024 / Conditions d'annulation 2024 ULTRA-FLEXIBLES / Meilleur tarif garanti / Vacaf et ANCV acceptés
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Enjoy the site and activities of Saint-Maurice Abbey

Enjoy the site and activities of Saint-Maurice Abbey

Lovers of beautiful stones and parks can visit Saint-Maurice Abbey and its wooded park in Clohars-Carnoët.

The ruins of the Cistercian Abbey of Saint-Maurice stand on the right bank of the Laïta, in the Carnoët forest. It was Abbot Maurice Duault of Langonnet Abbey who was responsible for founding it in 1177 on land offered by Conan IV Duke of Brittany.

The park and exhibitions can be visited in a protected natural site.

You can, during a self-guided or guided tour, discover the history of the historic buildings, the oldest of which date back to the 13th century, understand the life of Cistercian monks in the Middle Ages thanks to the permanent exhibition, contemplate the silhouette of the century-old sequoias

A classified landscape, property of the Conservatoire du Littoral, the abbey site of Saint Maurice is also a place for observing fauna and flora, an environment combining sea and forest.

Unique, you observe, through an infrared camera, the protected colony of bats which inhabit the attic of the Abbot’s home.